Thursday, June 14, 2007

Where Has the Time Gone?

It is unbelievable to me that is has been so long since I last blogged. With the end of the year, Melanie's graduation and my health issues time has totally slipped away from me.
I can't believe that we are so far into this semester. I feel like we are so busy. It seems as if we are taking 9 semester credit hours this time, when it is only 6. There are so many different pieces of work to keep up with. Am I the only one feeling this way?


Amy said...

Nope! I think that we are all feeling that we. I feel totally overwhelmed at times. It is hard now to find time to work on class.

Jodi said...

It is difficult to juggle all parts of your life...but when you think about it, it is almost over and then you will be wondering what you did before you had graduate work.

Keep your head up and do the best you can.

mommy2Bof3 said...

I agree with the other comments. We are almost done...I still have a lot to do as well, but if we can take one day at a time and really make graduate work a priority for the next 2 weeks, then we can get through it. I have lots going on as well and I think that just making myself use my time more productively, not worrying about dirty laundry or floors than there will be time. I firmly believe that God wouldn't have given us more than we can handle....Hang in there, we are almost done!!!